Developer Toolkit

For advanced users and developers,™ offers a fully featured developer ecosystem. A robust API, customer data inspection, developer console, webhooks for every event, and a strong scripting language are all available at no additional cost.

Integrate with systems you need.  Configure the platform to your exacting specification. Our professional services team is with you every step of the way.

10 minute build CEO and Founder Phil Gordon walks through a quick build that highlights some of the core capabilities of the platform.


Every feature we build is API-first. The full power of of the platform is available in a well-formed RESTful API.

Developer Console

Like the Chrome console, but for every event, error, or debugging log
related to your configuration of

Real-time feed

Errors, warnings, and events are posted in real-time allowing easy diagnosis of issues with APIs, integrations, and embedded applications.

Searchable, Filterable

Quick search and filter for events.
Events can be filtered by timeframe and searched by text or other data.


If errors or warnings occur in text or an integration, notifications can be sent via SMS, email, or posted to Slack.


Firebase on steroids – every entity in the platform has an associated key-value database.

Entity Key Values

Every entity has an associated unlimited storage key-value database that is quickly searchable and editable.  There is no prescribed data models required – everything is flexible.

Real-time Propagation

When data is updated, it is propagated in real-time and will trigger “Data Changed” events in key parts of the platform that can be used to update UI/UX.

In-line Editor

Inspector allows for in-line editing of the raw JSON data. Changes happening throughout the system are reflected live in the editor as changes occur giving unprecedented insight and control.

Event Endpoints

A real-time feed of every event in our system posted to the webhook of your choice makes integration with third-party systems and services like Zapier or IFTTT a snap.

Webhooks for All

Inbound and outbound messages, logins, clicks into Prompt Exchange, errors, and much more available for subscription.

Encryption end-to-end

Full enterprise-grade authentication available including username/password, X-Hub signature, and custom headers.

Custom Events

Customized, special purpose events can be built and triggered through JavaScript.

Scripting Engine

Built in scripting unleashes the power to build and deploy complex applications without requiring an external server.

No External Servers

All JavaScript runs internal to our servers – no external processing or Node servers required.

Code Completion

Full function signatures and code completion makes learning the system straightforward and reduces coding errors.

Test Mode

Execution in test mode allows easy testing and debugging.

Have a question about our developer tools or a complex build or integration?

We love talking to fellow technologists. Whether you'd like help with the APIs or exploring a complex deployment, we're always here to help.

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